Wednesday, April 24, 2019

One Way to Solve an Odd Little Problem

I have an unusual problem.  Once I start to read a book I feel compelled to finish it, no matter how dreadful or dull it might be.  I can count on one hand (plus maybe an extra finger or two) the number of books that I have abandoned.  It just doesn't happen.

Having that odd little problem means that I have had to develop several coping mechanisms in order to not get forever stuck in that one book that is JUST SO BORING or so poorly written (I'm looking at you Christian Romance novels.  Blunt, unblinking stare right at you).  My go-to solution is to pick up another book to get the juices flowing again, to distract me from how much the former book was killing my love of reading.

I have found myself in that very situation this week.  The book I am reading is not keeping my interest in the slightest, although I have hope it will pick up soon.  In the meantime, I have started Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.  A friend of mine handed this to me during trivia night at our local brewery and promised me that I would love it.  She's not wrong.


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